October 10, 2014


Even the simplest ingredients in common use and easy to find, can become powerful and effective cosmetic products.


The most striking example is extra virgin olive oil which, in addition to being celebrated for its nutritional properties, is recognized among all vegetable oils as the best for cosmetic use since it has a composition that is closest to our sebum, skin and, thanks to the active molecules contained in it, performs an action on the skin stimulating anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, emollient and moisturizing activity.

Extra virgin olive oil on the scalp exerts a good sebum-regulating action: acidifies the skin by reducing the production of sebum, especially useful for those with oily hair and with the presence of dandruff.


Besides this action, it shows excellent nourishing and restructuring properties for the hair.  It is a lipophilic substance and the oil is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the scalp, bringing more nourishment to the hair bulb by strengthening it, while at the level of the hair creating a defensive sheath, protecting it from smog and atmospheric agents.

-Useful against weakness, dryness and hair loss, olive oil is certainly one of the best tonics found in nature. It is rich in vitamin A, a substance that guarantees elasticity and softness to the hair, while vitamin E counteracts the formation of free radicals, mainly produced following the exposure of the hair to sunlight and aggressive treatments.


The presence of essential oils increases the revitalizing power of this pack. The essential oil of Rosemary, in particular, exerts a purifying effect on the skin with how much it helps to regulate sebum production and also has an astringent and antiseptic effect, perfect for oily hair and dandruff. Lavender essential oil, on the other hand, acts as an antipruritic and rebalancing agent for leather scalp and, an aspect not to be overlooked, gives the pack a very pleasant scent.



150 ml of extra virgin olive oil

8 drops of Rosemary essential oil

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8 drops of Lavender essential oil



Pour the oil into a dark glass bottle, add the essential oils, cap and shake. It can be kept at room temperature for a year or more.


Method of use:

Depending on the length, apply 1 to 3 tablespoons of oil on dry hair and distribute it evenly from roots to ends. Massage for a minute, wrap your hair in a towel and leave for about half an hour. Proceed with washing using a mild shampoo based on plant extracts.